Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Heal Thyself

It is 6:43 pm and I am in bed. I consider my bed the source of all wisdom and happiness, and the sooner I can get into it, the happier I am. Ordinarily I would not be in bed quite this early, but I have been rather exhausted for several nights running due to my current caseload. I am a physical therapist, and I see people who are...bedridden. I hope you enjoy the irony as much as I do.

Patients seem to come in two primary varieties: those who do too much, and those who won't do anything. To be fair, of course, the patients I see are quite ill with a variety of diagnoses. However, the majority of the diagnoses I treat these days seem to spring from poor lifestyle choices: diabetes, obesity, congestive heart failure, cardiac disease, cerebrovascular disease. Many of these conditions could be improved or avoided altogether if different choices were made: stop smoking, eat less, move more. It's not really a complicated equation. And yet people continue to look for a complicated answer - one that will involve a quick fix, preferably by someone else, at no cost to them. There is no quick fix, and if you want your health to improve, I will work with you. But I cannot row your boat for you. I am not your answer. YOU are your answer, and you might as well start rowing.

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